LAMDA - Musical Theatre Exam Classes

6 years + 

LAMDA Group Musical Theatre exams encourage students to develop both their musical and acting skills as a group – performing their scenes together as a full cast. 

Students perform both dialogue and songs, with everyone taking part as a chorus. 

As the students work through the grades they develop their technical skills, deepen their understanding of the material and bring more creative responses to their scenes. 

Teamwork is essential. The group is graded as a whole, receiving one collective result for all their hard work. 

What are Lamda Exams?

LAMDA exams are designed to develop your life skills, such as clear communication, self-confidence 
and teamwork through the creative platforms of drama, literature and music. Lamda exams  offer you opportunity to improve self-expression, strengthen memory and, most importantly, have fun.
What is the value of Lamda Exams? 
Lamda exams are accredited by the government  
and as such are worth credits but are also worth UCAS points useful for university and college entrance. 


Our Musical Theatre Group and Solo Exams have just taken place on Sunday 21st July, we are now awaiting our students results. 

Well done to everyone who took their LAMDA Exams we were extremely proud of you all. We had 1 Group Musical Theatre Exam and 5 Solo Musical Theatre Exams. Stay tuned to find our are amazing students results.